Be Mindful of Your Eating (Part 2)
Diet Rihla Wellness Diet Rihla Wellness

Be Mindful of Your Eating (Part 2)

Ready to reset your relationship with food and your overall wellness? The first place to start is to examine how you feel generally, especially in the minutes and hours after eating. Let's go thru a typical day:

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Be Mindful of Your Eating (Part 1)
Diet Rihla Wellness Diet Rihla Wellness

Be Mindful of Your Eating (Part 1)

Ever give much thought to what you eat? Eating mindfully is all about connecting what we consume with the effect on our physical, emotional, and even spiritual health. superior nutrition is about more than just energy or mood; it's about driving, through food, all the critical round the clock processes, at a cellular level, that ensure all our body systems function at the highest level.

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